"WASTED of course, is not about violence. It is about intesity, passion and most of all LOVE.

When you're in love, you know it for sure because there is no middle ground, no maybes, no ifs, no buts, no doubts, no 'I still need to figure things out.' Love grabs you and wraps its arms around you and you helplessly surrender. (True, very true.)
'When you love someone, then that's it! You just can't past that on to someone else.'
Of course you can't. People get themselves into relationships because they need sex, they need someone to go out with on Saturday night, they need to forget their last significant other or they feel thei self esteem suffers without someone sending them text messages six hundred times a day.
The more honest among us will admit that's all bullshit. And being with someone for those reasons still leaves you emplty and still leaves you searching for that one person who can make you happy and complete. Relationships like that are like buying canned pineapple chunks -- you know there's an expiration date in there somewhere.
The danger of falling in love is that private hell one goes through when that one love is taken away. x x x.
So children, if you've found love that truly makes you happy, understand how incredibly lucky you are. That sort of thing only happens once if the gods smile upon you and rarely do they give poor schmoes like us a second chance at it. If you're living a relationship that's a life, I know you won't take my advice but believe me, you're better off alone! And, if you've taken for granted love that's real and special, then be afraid. Be very afraid."
---- From "Be Afraid" (21 May 2002), an Introduction by Karen Kunawicz to the final edition of Gerry Alanguilan's graphic novel "Wasted"
may tinamaan sa quote ni Atty. Dy hahaha
hahaha.. uh. sino? ikaw? hahaha!
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