
What's up, Doc?

So instead of reading 17 cases for LegWrit tomorrow (I don't understand the need for cases for LegWrit), here I am blogging. Good job NiKKi. (Okay, I'm just OC now because I'm still waiting for one digest to be uploaded; and I can't start reading because the digests aren't complete!)

Anyway, can I just say, I have never encountered someone who in just a snap, is doing a complete 180! What's up, Doc? (If you know me well, you'll know what "what's up, doc?" mean). Last time I checked, everything is a-okay, and now, poof!, I'm left confused! Complete 180 indeed!

If it's turtle-track you want, then so be it.

Patience Level: From 100, now it's 80, tomorrow I have no idea.


thedogmode said...

maybe he's on his way to doing a 360? ;)

NiKKi said...

hi romir! who? my doctor?