
And my Goth Name is...

Demona Valhalla

But, truly, I have wept too much! 
The Dawns are heartbreaking. 
Every moon is atrocious and every sun bitter.

Because I'm a Rabbit...

Got these from here.

Rabbit Overview

The past year may have provided the Rabbit with many challenges and difficult situations, but this year will be a relief. The Rabbit has a very favorable outlook this year. Though it is not part of your usual plan, you may find that being assertive and bold will allow you to achieve unforeseen success. Your attraction to the finer life may lead you to living it. Personal relations are of great value to the Rabbit and will be emphasized throughout the year. Put your best foot forward in the year of the Ox and you will reap many benefits and rewards.

Rabbit Rating

67% (7 favorable and 5 neutral months)

Rabbit Career

This year is one of change. Though the Rabbit is not prone to taking risks, you may benefit greatly from taking bold new steps in finding the career you desire. Complacency in your current job could lead you to such actions. September and October are two months that are favorable for a change. You may want to seek a position that allows you to utilize your social skills and your abilities to relate to people on a personal level. Set your sights high and you will get what you want in this highly favorable year.

Rabbit Relationships

The Rabbit's family and friends will be a source of great pleasure for the you this year. They will offer support, encouragement and will be the wellspring for meaningful and enjoyable times. Personal relations are held in high regard and could be taken to a new level. Rabbits seeking new friends or romance should make an added effort to go out more and come in contact with others-you will be well rewarded for your efforts.

Rabbit Health

The Rabbit should not encounter any major health issues this year, but you may want to take precautions during certain times of the year. The Rabbit's sensitive constitution may leave you vulnerable to colds and flu during the winter months. You may want to get a flu shot during this time and make sure that you get plenty of rest to avoid any setbacks

Rabbit Wealth

The Rabbit should enjoy a new level of wealth. If you are inspired to make a career change, this will prove to be a successful venture financially. You will be particularly pleased with some of your purchases this year, as many could relate to redecorating or changing the appeal of your home. Beware of any risky investments and continue to do the things that accumulate your level of savings.


Law School, this is for you

Not so much Privileged eh?

I've only seen 5 of its episodes, and I have yet to see 9 more. But can I just say that Megan Smith, the reporter-wannabe-turned-into-a-tutor for 2 filthy rich teenagers (Sage and Rose), is the most annoying person ever. Why does she have to get into businesses she's not even supposed to be getting into? And why does she have to act as if the world is against her? Boo! She's so pathetic. I can't believe there's a show that has her as a main character. 

Anyway, I'm still watching it because I like the girls' outfits. Wala lang. Haha!

As the caffeine kicks in...

...here I am, blogging again
when I should be getting some beauty sleep
for another ObliCon session ahead of me


"Let me ask you something. If someone prays for patience, you think God gives them patience? Or does he give them the opportunity to be patient? If he prayed for courage, does God give him courage, or does he give him opportunities to be courageous? If someone prayed for the family to be closer, do you think God zaps them with warm fuzzy feelings, or does he give them opportunities to love each other?"
-God in Evan Almighty


God: How do we change the world?
Evan Baxter: One single act of random kindness at a time.
God: One Act of Random Kindness.
-God and Evan in Evan Almighty


Ok, these quotes may be overused already, but what the hell, it's the first time I saw Evan Almighty 24 hours ago in HBO (or was that Cinemax--I forget) and that's when I realized, "So that's where they got those quotes from! Nice..."


And I get $25 from Apple

If you're up-to-date with whatever is happening with Apple, you'll know that a settlement has been offered by said company to those who bought the 1st Gen iPod Nano before December 2005 because of its defect of being susceptible to scratches. A class suit has been filed which has yet to be resolved by the US Court. 

My mom bought my iPod Nano 1st Gen in the US on October 2005, and luckily, my iPod is covered under the settlement (I checked already). Hence, I am entitled to that $25 rebate (which is about P1200). I haven't submitted my claim form yet, since I'm hoping that the Court would find the offer low. Haha. Ok, I'm just hoping that they'd give a new iPod for that. Kiddin'. But who knows, maybe the Court will require Apple to give new iPod units (iTouch perhaps?) to victims. :p

But my dilemma: given that I submit my claim form, how will I get my refund? Money is coming from the US, and I'm here in the Third World. Will Apple be willing to send my money through mail or through those money transfer establishments? I don't have PayPal or the like so electronic transfer is not really an option. (on the side note, I heard that PayPal freezes their customers accounts or transfer of payments, wala lang).

After I get that refund, I'll have the old one traded with a new one in Apple store. I heard they give 10% off when you trade your old Ipod in. Of course, I have to pay its 90% value. :p

* Read the iPod Nano 1st Gen Class Suit here.

Still Hooked...

Airs every Tuesday
Downloadable on Wednesdays

Airs every Tuesday
Downloadable on Wednesdays

Gossip Girl
Airs every Monday
Downloadable on Tuesdays

Ugly Betty
Airs every Thursday
Downloadable on Fridays

Airs every Monday
Downloadable on Tuesdays
(But it's on break now)


Now I'm Loving...

(Pressure, Misery Business, Circles etc.)
When Twilight came out with Decode as one of its soundtracks,
I didn't like Paramore at first.
I don't know what made me like them now.
Probably because I like Haley's hair
Not that I'd have my hair colored
I just like the cut.

(Lost, Yellow, The Scientist, Viva La Vida among others)
I loved Viva La Vida more when it was used as an intro song in 90210 S1E1
and when Boyce Avenue released their acoustic version of it

(Just Dance, Poker Face, BoysBoysBoys among others)
I love Lady Gaga's hair too!

P.S. I hate Sarah Geronimo's version of Poker Face on ASAP.
Ok, it's not a version, it's a piracy--complete with the outfit and the dance steps
to which she failed to sing the way Lady Gaga sang it

Not that I just discovered them now
(Not that I'm music-illiterate, ok)
I just love their music
and it's only now that I had the chance to appreciate them.

So expect me singing (even if out-of-tune) their songs when you see me
My iPod's full of their songs
I even exerted the effort to look for their album covers
Para cute.

On My Beach Craving

A private island off the coast of Pamalican, Cuyo Island
My dream destination someday
I want to go (now :p).

Love the sea
and its creatures
(although they're scary)

And of course, the amenities
Experience them at its finest
Best experienced with a loved one?

Just wondering: Kenji Aman, do you own Aman Pulo or Aman Resorts for that matter?


Is Coffee A Good Thing or A Bad Thing?

I'm not a coffee addict, but almost everyday, coffee is my highest calorie intake (as much as 300 cal per cup). As much as I would like to avoid drinking coffee everyday, it seems that I can't help but go to Starbucks or Seattle's Best to study (yes, to study.. nerd mode!). Even if it's not midterms or finals, I always end up staying in these coffee shops until they close (or if it's 24 hours like that in Valero, until I get sleepy).
Now I have a dilemma, is coffee a good thing or a bad thing? Hmm.. Is it with the kind of coffee I drink? I don't know, I'm not a coffee expert. But what I usually order from Starbucks is a hot tall caramel macchiato or a hot tall white chocolate mocha, while from Seattle's Best, I usually get a hot tall white chocolate mocha (because they don't have a caramel macchiato? Not sure though, I haven't studied their menu extensively yet :p). Enlighten me please. :p


Monday is the most depressing day in history

Could this be true? According to this article, today, January 19, 2009 is the bluest and the most depressing day in history. But I feel blue everyday so what's the difference? Well, ok maybe not everyday but most of the time. Too much stress perhaps?  Too much reading cases? Too much study time?

I don't want to think that today is the most depressing day; although, yes, I woke up feeling awkward today, seeing people I want to see but alas, no conversation started. I failed to meet my wake up times: 7:00, 7:30, 8:00 and 8:30 in the morning, hoping that I can resume studying and memorizing the requisites of substantial and procedural due process, Lemon Test, O'Brien Test, and God-knows-what elements of this and requisites of that. And because of my very good job in keeping my promises to myself, I ended up cramming an hour before the exam. Good job!

No, today can't be the most depressing day in history because today is our midterm exam in Consti 2. Now that the exam is over, may God bless Fr. Bernas and enlighten him to give us higher grades. Haha! 

And no, today can't be the most depressing day in history because it's Cheezie's birthday! Her very 1st birthday! And but lo and behold, I didn't get to celebrate her birthday with her. I wonder what Miggy and Raffy did for her. 

So there. The blue-ness of my day.


He's All Over The News!

Justice Diosdado Peralta
Latest SC Justice
Our Professor for Criminal Law 1 and 2
Congratulations, Sir!
Will you miss our Wendy's Iced Tea and Burger?
Or caf's pancit?
Hindi pa ko nag-rerecit!
Read related articles here:


Aww... (Just Like Everyone Else)

McDonald's "First Love" Commercial

I have yet to see this on television
Since it only caught my attention
when everyone else posted their own entries for this

I just love McDonald's Ads
(except for Sharon's, of course)


Instead of having a date with Ben Button

I had a date with Adam Sandler.
And so did Rina and Yen.

Because there were only front seats left with Ben Button.
We wanted farther seats.
And thus we settled for Adam Sandler.

And I'm so glad we did.


I scored perfect!
25/25 correctly spelled words!

Take the test yourself and see how you gauge!


Benjamin Button

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

I wanna watch.
Who wants to watch with me?

What's up, Doc?

So instead of reading 17 cases for LegWrit tomorrow (I don't understand the need for cases for LegWrit), here I am blogging. Good job NiKKi. (Okay, I'm just OC now because I'm still waiting for one digest to be uploaded; and I can't start reading because the digests aren't complete!)

Anyway, can I just say, I have never encountered someone who in just a snap, is doing a complete 180! What's up, Doc? (If you know me well, you'll know what "what's up, doc?" mean). Last time I checked, everything is a-okay, and now, poof!, I'm left confused! Complete 180 indeed!

If it's turtle-track you want, then so be it.

Patience Level: From 100, now it's 80, tomorrow I have no idea.


Starting the year right

2009 is my official year of joining the bandwagon of those who make their annual new year resolutions. I tried having them the previous years, but just like everyone else, after a week or so, I gave up!

So hopefully, I will be able to do these resolutions faithfully. Otherwise, kill me or make me pay you or buy you something (these would persuade me to do them--really!!!)!

1. Exercise. I told Dan I will either jog or swim in the morning, at least thrice a week! Now that's a good start. I can also resume doing hiphop abs with the sauna suit on. Haha! With all the festivities and the trip abroad, I definitely gained weight from eating almost every hour! Hence, the need for an exercise. This will also help me wake up early everyday and I can use the time after to study!
Wanted: Exercise buddy/ies

2. Study. Like Kenji, I will take law school seriously, as in. I will try my very best to study on time and not to cram. Lord, help me! If I have to absorb a lot of information and if I have to spend most of the time in Starbucks or the lib, so be it! Bahala na kayong iniiwasan ko sa lib!
Wanted: Study buddy/ies

3. Eat right. I admit, I haven't been eating properly since I started law school. Imagine, skipping breakfast and lunch. I only have one meal a day and it is not even a full meal. I don't diet. I just pretend I'm on a diet but the truth is, I'm just tamad to eat and I wanted to save a lot (and I don't know what I'm saving for!).
Wanted: Lunch and dinner buddy/ies

4. Drink less, sleep more. I promise to drink less. Period. I promise to sleep more. Period.

Now back to what I'm supposed to do during the break but I didn't. Thanks to oh-so-hard working me!

1. OBLICON: I'm supposed to read 6.5 and 6.6 of the syllabus (which I think is long) including the cases.

2. THEO: readings--nah!


A Different New Year Experience

Our trip to Macau and Hongkong was the family's first to celebrate the New Year. With a family this big (we're 7), it is difficult for us to take a vacation without the budget planes. When my mom hinted on wanting to go to Macau, I eagerly persuaded her to book us a flight. That was October. We got bookings on 12.28.08-01.02.09 for Macau via Cebu Pacific (Clark).

Fast track to December. I wasn't too excited for this trip. Well maybe because I had so many things to do with so little time. With only 2.5 weeks of break from school (well, don't consider it a break because I have to study and be ready for my own report to Fr. B and for the midterms, which is up in 2 weeks!), I didn't bother being excited for this trip knowing I had so many things on my mind. But alas, the break has ended and I have accomplished nothing, as in zero percent!!!! Good job, NiKKi, now you'll definitely get that DL! Good job, good job!

Macau has been dubbed as the Las Vegas of the East. Thanks to the big casinos in Vegas, Macau is the only place in China, according to Smile Magazine (of Cebu Pacific), which made gambling legal. With the cobble-stoned sidewalks (I wonder how long it took for those whoever made them to finish "cobble-stone-ing" the sidewalks) and the not-so-Chinese-inspired architecture (which are actually Portuguese-inspired because it is the latter's former colony), you get the feel of a small city--much like that of toy cities, those made for the films like Universal studios. 

Must-sees in Macau: Senado Square and its architecture, Ruins of St. Paul, Wynn Hotel, The Venetian (of course), Macau Tower

And while you're in Macau, spend a day in Hongkong (which we did) via the ferry (JetFerry, I think), which will take at most 1 hour to get there.

I won't be wasting your time reading what we've been doing in Macau and Hongkong, but if you insist, then click here to see our gazillion pictures (ok, we're vain). :p


There are so many Filipinos working in Macau. We felt like we never left the Philippines because there would always be that Filipino saleslady or those Filipino security guards or that Filipino waitress, who are always eager to talk with you. We've seen and heard a lot of Filipinos around Macau. But 3 Filipinos caught our attention. I don't know their names so I'll just name them as Fil 1, 2 and 3. :p

Fil 1: The Filipino saleslady. We first met her at the only Crocs store near the Catedral de Se (where we heard mass for Jan 1). Apparently, she is a Cabalen as well. Miggy's Crocs-hunting was made easy because of her. During her day off, when Raffy decided to buy one the next day, it took us too long to communicate with the saleslady there. When I bought a pair, she wasn't there either, because I think her shift was over. But when Gabby bought the bag and a pair, she gave him a discount and more of their shopping bags. Daya. I could have saved 40 bucks from that!

Fil 2: The Filipino waitress. She served us during our lunch in the restaurant beside the Macau Tower. Again, she is a Cabalen as well from Tarlac. What made her significant for me, at least, is that she told us her story and how hard it is for her to be in Macau and leave her 2 kids with her mom, knowing that her husband, who filed an annulment case against her, wants to get them from her. 

Had the manager been gone to take a day off, she would have given us 25% off from our bill! Sayang!

Fil 3: The Filipino guard. Again, a Cabalen who had been in Macau for 3 years already. He knew my dad, so that made him significant. He was a former bodyguard of one of my dad's clients, hence the connection. We met him in the entrance of Sasa, one of the stores in Macau similar to Beauty Bar in the Philippines. But not as elegant like Beauty Bar, it's more of Beauty Bar + Watsons in the Philippines.